Modern East Asian Studies (MEAS), Master

Masterstudiengang Modern East Asian Studies (MEAS)

Die einmalige Anmeldung zur Master-Prüfung im ersten Semester an der Goethe Universität für das Fach Modern East Asian Studies (MEAS), Master muss erfolgen bis spätestens:

Direkt zu Studienbeginn ist die Anmeldung zur Prüfung (einmalige Kontoeröffnung zur Verbuchung von Studien-und Prüfungsleistungen) verpflichtend.

Die Anmeldung zu den Prüfungsleistungen erfolgt in der Regel online über QIS, ansonsten über eine Mail an das Prüfungsamt. Eine Anmeldung kann nur erfolgen, wenn das Studierendenkonto beim Prüfungsamt eröffnet wurde.

Ein Rücktritt von der Anmeldung zur einzelnen Prüfungsleistung kann bis zu dem angegebenen Rücktrittstermin schriftlich (auch per E-Mail) beim Prüfungsamt angezeigt werden oder muss bei Anmeldung über QIS auch dort selber vorgenommen werden.

Bei Nichterscheinen am Klausurtag bzw. Nichtabgabe der Hausarbeit am vereinbarten Termin gilt die Prüfung als nicht bestanden. Die für das Versäumnis geltend gemachten Gründe müssen unverzüglich innerhalb von 3 Werktagen schriftlich beim Prüfungsamt glaubhaft gemacht werden. Bei Krankheit ist ein ärztliches Attest vorzulegen. Auf dem Attest ist zu vermerken: Matrikelnummer, Studiengang sowie Bezeichnung der nicht angetretenen Prüfung(en).

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Information on registering Exams via QIS/LSF

The faculty for economics and business administration and the Philosophische Promotionskommission will not automatically register you for any exams. If you subscribe to a lecture/seminar via OLAT or at the relevant department you are not automatically on the exam list. In order to take the exam, you will have to register yourself. Please note that this only applies to exams scheduled in the exam period at the end of semster. For any intermediate exam inations please see your lecturer.

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Important notice. Please read carefully!
Exam registrations and withdrawals via self service are only valid in conjunction with the exam report “Info on registered exams” and its signature file. In doubtful cases these files serve as proof of authenticity for your successful exam registration / withdrawal.

You can access the newest list under “Info on registered exams” at QIS anytime. In addition it is recommended to check the approved lists which will be published by the examination office (valid for FB 02). The approved lists are updated regularly.

In the QIS/LSF system, you can not only register for exams but also view your exam results, edit your address and set up the forwarding of your e-mails. To use QIS/LSF you require your HRZ-account (login/user name and password) and your i-Tans (pin numbers). Should you not have received the letters containing your acount details, your personal password as well as your i-Tans, please contact the computing centre.

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If you have any problems or find discrepancies with your transaction please contact the exam office immediately and within the registration period. Please report any problems by sending a screenshot of the error message via e-mail. (Instruction Screenshot: Press the "Druck/S-Abf" (print screen) key. Open a new word document and choose “paste”)

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PDF Downloads

Die folgenden Dokumente / Formulare stehen Ihnen zum Download zur Verfügung:

Fachspezifische Downloads:

Antrag auf Zulassung zur Masterprüfung – Deutsch
Application For Master’s Exam Admission – English
Anmeldung zur Masterarbeit – Deutsch
Registration for Master’s Thesis Submission – English
Modulscheine – Modern East Asian Studies (MEAS), Master

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Informationen für Studierende in den Masterstudiengängen

Sonstige hilfreiche Downloads:

Bescheinigung der Prüfungsunfähigkeit (Ärztliches Attest) zur Vorlage beim Prüfungsamt
QIS/LSF Tutorial Deutsch
QIS/LSF Tutorial English

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Studienordnung - Modern East Asia Studies (MEAS), Master


Master StudO ab WS 2009/2010


Im Folgenden die Kurzfassung der Anforderungen für dieses Fach:


B.A. Wirtschaftswissenschaften, B.A. Soziologie, B.A. Politikwissenschaften, B.A. Sinologie, B.A. Japanologie, B.A. Empirische Sprachwissenschaft mit asienbezogenen Schwerpunkt oder eines verwandten Bachelor - Studienganges. Lebenslauf, eine positive Empfehlung durch einen Hochschullehrer mit Auskunft über die Eignung für den Studienganges MEAS, ein Motivationsschreiben in englisch (max. 2 Seiten) sowie die schriftliche Ausfertigung eines Forschungsvorhabens (min. 3 - max. 5 Seiten).


Englisch, TOEFL-Niveau von 560 (Papier) oder 220 (computerbasiert)

zwei Modulkombinationen: Grundlagen für Kulturwissenschaftler und Grundlagen für Sozialwissenschaftler

4 Semester, 5 – 6 Pflichtmodule (60 CP), Mastermodul (24 CP) , 3 Wahlpflichtmodule ( 36 CP)

Grundlagen für Sozialwissenschaftler:

2 Pflichtmodule:

• Sprachen und Grundlagen I (12 CP)

Sprachen und Grundlagen für Anfänger I: Japanisch oder
Sprachen und Grundlagen für Anfänger I: Chinesisch oder
Sprachen und Grundlagen für Anfänger I: Koreanisch oder
Sprachen und Grundlagen für Anfänger I: Indonesisch

• Sprachen und Grundlagen II (12 CP)

Sprachen und Grundlagen für Anfänger II: Japanisch oder
Sprachen und Grundlagen für Anfänger II: Chinesisch oder
Sprachen und Grundlagen für Anfänger II: Koreanisch oder
Sprachen und Grundlagen für Anfänger II: Indonesisch

Die Module bestehen aus 1 – 2 Lehrveranstaltung und werden mit einer Modulabschlussprüfung (Japanisch, Koreanisch und Indonesisch). Chinesisch wird jeweils mit 2 Modulteilprüfungen abgeschlossen.

Grundlagen für Kulturwissenschaftler:

3 Pflichtmodule

• Sprachen (12 CP)

Japanisch für Fortgeschrittene oder
Chinesisch für Fortgeschrittene oder
Koreanisch für Fortgeschrittene oder
Indonesisch/ Malaisch für Fortgeschrittene

• Einführung in die Sozialwissenschaften (12 CP) – es müssen zwei Module gewählt werden

Einführung in die Rechtswissenschaft (6 CP) und/oder
Einführung in die Wirtschaftswissenschaften (6 CP) und/oder
Einführung in die Gesellschaftswissenschaften (6 CP)

Die Sprachmodule bestehen aus 2-3 Lehrveranstaltung und werden mit einer Modulabschlussprüfung (Japanisch, Koreanisch und Indonesisch). Chinesisch wird mit 3 Modulteilprüfungen abgeschlossen.

Die Einführungsmodule bestehen aus 1 – 2 Lehrveranstaltungen und werden mit Prüfung(en) abgeschlossen.

Für beide Modulkombinationen:

4 Pflichtmodule

• Skills and Competences (6 CP)
• Core: economy and Society: Theories, Concepts, Framework (18 CP)
• Young Scholars Forum: Paper reading Course (12 CP)
• Masterarbeit (24 CP)

Das Modul Skills und Competences besteht aus einer LV aus dem Angebot des FB 1, 2 oder 3 und wird mit einer Modulprüfung abgeschlossen. Das Core-Modul geht über drei Semester. In jedem Semester wird eine Teilprüfung abgelegt. Das Modul Young Scholars Forum: Paper reading Course besteht aus 2 LV und wird jeweils mit einer Modulteiprüfung abgeschlossen.

3 Wahlpflichtmodule

• Legal Aspects of East Asia (12 CP)
• Economic Aspects of East Asia (12 CP)
• Political and social aspects of east Asia (12 CP)
• Summer School (12 CP)

Die Module bestehen aus 2 Lehrveranstaltungen und werden jeweils mit Modulteilprüfungen abgeschlossen.

Dauer der Abschlussarbeit:
5 Monate. Die Arbeit ist in englischer Sprache zu schreiben. Die Zulassung kann beantragt werden, wenn 60 CP vorliegen. Für die ausreichend bestandene Arbeit werden 24 CP vergeben.

Prüfungstermine Modern East Asian Studies (MEAS) - Sommersemester


Diese Seite enthält Termine für die folgenden Fächer:

Modern East Asian Studies (MEAS) - Master*
Modern East Asian Studies (MEAS) - Master (ab WS 2018/19)*
Modern East Asian Studies (MEAS) - Master (ab WS 2021/22)*

*Anmeldung über QIS/LSF


Modern East Asian Studies (MEAS) - Master / Modern East Asian Studies (MEAS) - Master (ab WS 2018/19) / Modern East Asian Studies (MEAS) - Master (ab WS 2021/22)


Language and Basics for Beginners I: Chinese Basic Course II
Compulsory (elective) module for Social Scientists
Event: Basic Course II (MP 177)
(Modernes Chinesisch Elementarstufe II: Grundkurs Sprache)
Module part examination
Prerequisites for participation: Successful completion of the courses “Sprache und Grundlagen I: Chinesisch“ and “Modernes Chinesisch: Grundkurs II”
Form of examination: written examination (90 Min.)
Examiner: Dr. JIN et al.
Registration timeframe: 19.06.2023 - 11.07.2023 (via QIS)
Date, time and location: 18.07.2023; 14:15 - 15:45; IG 311 (IG-Farben-Haus, Campus Westend)
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 11.07.2023 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination: 12.10.2023; 14:15 - 15:45; SH 0.109 (Campus Westend)

Language and Basics for Beginners II: Chinese
Compulsory (elective) module for Social Scientists
Event: Modern Chinese Elementary: Characters and Reading (MP 1433)
(Modernes Chinesisch Elementarstufe II: Schriftzeichenkunde und Leseverständnis)
Module part examination
Prerequisites for participation: Successful completion of the courses “Sprache und Grundlagen I: Chinesisch“ and”hinesische Schriftzeichenkunde und Leseverständnis II”
Form of examination: written examination (90 Min.)
Examiner: Dr. JIN et al.
Registration timeframe: 19.06.2023 - 11.07.2023 (via QIS)
Date, time and location: 18.07.2023; 16:15 - 17:45; IG 311 (IG-Farben-Haus, Campus Westend)
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 11.07.2023 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination: 12.10.2023; 15:45 - 17:15; SH 0.109 (Campus Westend)

Language and Basics for Beginners II: Japanese
Compulsory (elective) module for Social Scientists
Event: Modern Japanese Basic II (MP 263)
End-of module-examination
Prerequisites for participation: None
Form of examination: written and oral exam
Examiner: Mrs. Nakamura
Registration timeframe: 19.06.2023 - 30.06.2023 (via QIS)
Date, time and location:
Written exam: 10.07.2023; 12:15 - 13:45; SH 4.107 (Campus Westend)
Oral Exam: 11.07.2023; 14:15 - 15:45; SH 4.102 (Campus Westend)
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 03.07.2023 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination:
Written exam: 09.10.23; 12:15 - 13:45; SH 2.103
Oral exam: 05.10.2023; 10:15 - 11:45; SH 3.102 (Campus Westend)

Language and Basics for Beginners II: Indonesian
Compulsory (elective) module for Social Scientists
Event: Indonesian for Beginners 2 (MP 1452)
(Bahasa Indonesia Grundstufe II)
End- of module- examination)
Prerequisites for participation: none
Form of examination: written exam
Examiner: Dr. Bracks/Ms. Prihantini
Registration deadline: 19.06.2023 - 28.06.2023 (via QIS)
Date, time and location: 05.07.2023; 14:00 – 16:00, SH 3.107
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 28.06.2023
Date of repeat examination: t.b.a.

Language and Basics for Beginners II: Korean
Compulsory (elective) module for Social Scientists (Language and Basics II)
Event: Korean II and Exercise course (MP 1713)
(Koreanisch Grundstufe II – Hauptkurs; Koreanisch Grundstufe – Übung)
End- of module- examination
Prerequisites for participation: None
Form of examination: Written exam incl. Listening comprehension (90 min.) end oral exam (5 min.)
Examiner: Ms. Shin
Registration deadline: 19.06.2023 – 09.07.2023 (via QIS)
Registration deadline: 15.06.-09.07.2023
Written exam: 18.07.2023 16:00-18:00, SKW B
Oral exam: 19.07.2023 between 10:00-18:00, SKW 04B112
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 09.07.2023
Dates of repeat examination:
Written exam: 09.10.2023, 12.00-14:00
Oral exam: 09.10.2023, between 15:00-18:00


Modern Chinese Advanced
Compulsory (elective) module for Cultural Scientists
Event: Chinese Advanced - Translation course: Theater, Performance, and Virtual Realities (MP 3229)
(Wissenschaftliche Übersetzung chinesischer Texte: „Theater, Performance, and Virtual Realities" (translation course)
Module part examination
Prerequisites for participation: Language proficiency in Chinese at HSK level 4 260 points and above
Examiner: Mrs. Tröster
Form of examination: Annotated translation (8-10 pages)
Registration timeframe: 19.06.2023 - 14.08.2023 (via QIS)
Submission of annotated translation: 18.08.2023; 12:00
Deadline for withdrawal of exam registration: 14.08.2023 (via QIS)
Repeat examination (submission of annotated translation): 06.10.2023; 12:00

Modern Japanese Advanced
Compulsory (elective) module for Cultural Scientists
Event: Modern Japanese Advanced II (MP 222)
Module part examination
Prerequisites for participation: Japanese knowledge on Japanese Studies B.A. graduate level
Form of examination: written and oral exam
Examiner: Mrs. Itonaga
Registration timeframe: 19.06.2023 - 27.06.2023 (via QIS)
Date, time and location:
Written exam: 04.07.2023; 12:15 - 13:45; SH 2.107 (Campus Westend)
Oral exam: 11.07.2023; 12:15 - 13:45; SH 2.107 (Campus Westend)
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 27.06.2023 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination:
Written exam: 04.10.2023; 10:15 - 11:45; SH 3.102 (Campus Westend)
Oral exam: 05.10.2023; 10:15 - 11:45; SH 3.102 (Campus Westend)

Modern Indonesian Advanced
Compulsory (elective) module for Cultural Scientists
Event: Indonesian Comics (MP 4189; PO 2018 MP 2282)
(Indonesische Comics)
End- of module -examination
Prerequisites for participation: Indonesian knowledge on Southeast Studies B.A. graduate level
Form of examination: term paper
Examiner: Ms. Holzwarth
Registration deadline: 19.06.2023 - 14.08.2023 (via QIS)
Date: submission deadline: 28.08.2023
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 14.08.2023
Date of repeat examination: submission deadline: 13.11.2023

Modern Indonesian Advanced
Compulsory (elective) module for Cultural Scientists
Event: Suku-Suku Terpencil di Indonesia (MP 4189; PO 2018 MP 2282)
End- of module -examination
Prerequisites for participation: Indonesian knowledge on Southeast Studies B.A. graduate level
Form of examination: term paper
Examiner: Ms. Holzwarth
Registration deadline: 19.06.2023 - 14.08.2023 (via QIS)
Date: submission deadline: 28.08.2023
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 14.08.2023
Date of repeat examination: submission deadline: 13.11.2023

Modern Korean Advanced
Compulsory (elective) module for Cultural Scientists
Event Korean Advanced (MP 4186; PO 2018 MP 4185)
(Koreanisch Oberstufe - Hauptkurs)
End- of module- examination
Prerequisites for participation: Korean knowledge on Korean Studies B.A. graduate level
Form of examination: written and oral exam
Examiner: Ms. Moon
Registration deadline: 19.06.2023 – 09.07.2023 (via QIS)
Written exam: 17.07.2023 12:00-14:00, SH 5.105
Oral exam: 25.07.2023 between 12:00-14:00, SH 2.102
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 09.07.2023
Dates of repeat examination:
Written exam: 17.10.2023 12:00-14:00
Oral exam: 17.10.2023 between 10:00-11:30

Compulsory module Core: Economy and Society: Theories, Concepts and Framework
Event: Institutions and Innovation (MEAS Core lecture) (MEAS Core lecture I – MP 4165; MEAS Core lecture II – MP 4166)

Module part examination
Form of examination: written exam (90 Min.)
Examiner: Prof. Storz
Registration deadline: 19.06.2023 - 30.06.2023 (via QIS)
Written exam: 12.07.2023; 12:15 - 13:45; HZ 08 (Campus Westend)
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 05.07.23 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination: 16.10.23; 10:15 – 11:45; SH 3.104 (Campus Westend)

Compulsory module Core: Economy and Society: Theories, Concepts and Framework
Event: China‘ s great transformations (MEAS Core lecture I – MP 4165; MEAS Core lecture II – MP 4166)
Module part examination
Form of examination: written exam (90 Min.)
Examiner: Prof. Amelung
Registration deadline: 19.06.2023 - 30.06.2023 (via QIS)
Written exam: 13.07.2023; 12:15 - 13:45; SH 4.108
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 10.07.2023 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination: 13.10.23; 10:15 - 11:45; SH 3.105



Skills & Competences
Event: Academic Writing (MEAS 3A: MP 4156; MEAS 3B: MP 4157)
Compulsory module
End- of module- examination
Form of examination: term paper (4,000 words)
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Holbig
Registration deadline: 19.06.2023 - 30.06.2023 (via QIS)
Submission of term paper: 11.08.2023
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 04.08.23 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination: 13.09.2023

Skills & Competences
Event: Classical Chinese written language/Wenyanwen 2* (MEAS 3A: MP 4156; MEAS 3B: MP 4157)
(Klassische chinesische Schriftsprache / Wenyanwen 2)
Module part examination
Form of examination: written exam (90 Min.)
Examiner: Ms. Wang-Karabowicz
Registration deadline: 19.06.2023 - 07.07.2023 (via QIS)
Date, time and location: 14.07.2023; 10:15 - 11:45; SH 2.109 (Campus Westend)
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration 07.07.2023 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination: 06.10.2023; 14:15 - 15:45; SH 2.105 (Campus Westend)
*This course has only 3 CP (instead of 6 CP) and has to be combined with a further S&C course with 3 CP. If the 3 CP course is not graded, the second 3 CP course has to be graded (grade of course 2 is then the module grade). Should both courses be graded, the module grade is the arithmetic mean of both grades.

Skills & Competences
Event: Classical Mongolian I * (MEAS 3A: MP 4156; MEAS 3B: MP 4157)
(Klassisches Mongolisch I)
Module part examination
Form of examination: written examination (90 Min.)
Examiner: Dr. Badagarov
Registration deadline: 19.06.2023 - 30.06.2023 (via QIS)
Date, time and location: 19.07.2023; 16:00 – 18:00; SH 5.105
Deadline for withdrawal of exam registration: 12.07.2023
Date of repeat examination: 27.09.2023; 16:00 – 18:00; SH 5.105
*This course has only 3 CP (instead of 6 CP) and has to be combined with a further S&C course with 3 CP. If the 3 CP course is not graded, the second 3 CP course has to be graded (grade of course 2 is then the module grade). Should both courses be graded, the module grade is the arithmetic mean of both grades.

Skills & Competences
Event: Critical evaluation of Chinese scientific sources II* (MEAS 3A: MP 4156; MEAS 3B: MP 4157)
(Kritische Auswertung chinesischer wissenschaftlicher Quellen II)
Module part examination
Form of examination: Essay (5-8 pages)
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Amelung
Registration deadline: 19.06.2023 - 24.07.2023 (via QIS)
Date: submission deadline: 31.07.2023
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 24.07.2023 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination (submission deadline): 09.10.2023
*This course has only 3 CP (instead of 6 CP) and has to be combined with a further S&C course with 3 CP. If the 3 CP course is not graded, the second 3 CP course has to be graded (grade of course 2 is then the module grade). Should both courses be graded, the module grade is the arithmetic mean of both grades.

Skills & Competences
Research Design: Statistical Inference and Causality (MEAS 3A: MP 4156; MEAS 3B: MP 4157)
End- of module- examination
Prerequisites for participation: none
Form of examination: written exam (e-exam)
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Ruhe
Registration deadline: 19.06.2023 - 30.06.2023 (via QIS)
Date, time and location: 20.07.2023; 10:00; location: t.b.a. via OLAT
Deadline for withdrawal of exam registration: 13.07.2023 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination: t.b.a.


Elective [MEAS 4a - all Tracks]
Compulsory elective module
Event: China-Taiwan Cross-Strait Relations (MEAS 4a: MP 4173-4176; MEAS 4b: MP 4177-4178)
End- of module- examination
Form of examination: term paper (15-20 pages)
Examiner: Dr. Biba
Registration deadline: 19.06.2023 - 30.06.2023 (via QIS)
Date: submission deadline: 31.08.2023
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 21.08.2023 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination (submission deadline): 15.10.2023

Elective [MEAS 4a - all Tracks]
Compulsory elective module
Event: Chinese Property Law (MEAS 4a: MP 4173-4176; MEAS 4b: MP 4177-4178)
End- of module- examination
Form of examination: term paper (10 - 15 pages)
Examiner: Dr. Werthwein
Registration deadline: 19.06.2023 - 30.06.2023 (via QIS)
Date: submission deadline: 30.08.2023
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 23.08.2023 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination (submission deadline): 30.09.2023

Elective [MEAS 4a - all Tracks]
Compulsory elective module
Event: Chinese Knowledge Cultures: "Disasters and disaster relief in China, past and present" (MEAS 4a: MP 4173-4176; MEAS 4b: MP 4177-4178)
(Chinesische Wissenskulturen: "Disasters and disaster relief in China, past and present")
End- of module- examination
Form of examination: term paper (15-20 pages)
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Amelung (AMEL)
Registration deadline: 19.06.2023 - 14.08.2023 (via QIS)
Date: submission deadline: 21.08.2023
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 14.08.2023 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination (submission deadline): 13.10.2023

Elective [MEAS 4a - all Tracks]
Compulsory elective module
Event: Corporate Governance in Japan (MEAS 4a: MP 4173-4176; MEAS 4b: MP 4177-4178)
End- of module- examination
Form of examination: term paper
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Bälz
Registration deadline: 19.06.2023 - 30.06.2023 (via QIS)
Date: submission deadline: 31.08.2023
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 24.08.2023 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination (submission deadline): 30.09.2023

Elective [MEAS 4a - all Tracks]
Compulsory elective module
Event: Digital Politics in East Asia (MEAS 4a: MP 4173-4176; MEAS 4b: MP 4177-4178)
End- of module- examination
Form of examination: written exam
Examiner: Mr. Lang
Registration deadline: 19.06.2023 - 30.06.2023 (via QIS)
Date/time/location: 20.07.2023; 14-16; HZ 12
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 13.07.2023 (via QIS)
Repeat examination (date/time/location): 19.10.23; 14-16, SH 3.104

Elective [MEAS 4a - all Tracks]
Compulsory elective module
Event: Economic and Social Change in Southeast Asia (MEAS 4a: MP 4173-4176; MEAS 4b: MP 4177-4178)
End- of module- examination
Form of examination: Term paper (approx. 15 pages)
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Graf
Registration deadline: 19.06.2023 - 14.08.2023 (via QIS)
Date: submission deadline: 28.08.2023
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 14.08.2023
Date of repeat examination (submission deadline): 13.11.2023

Elective [MEAS 4a - all Tracks]
Compulsory elective module
Event: Environmental issues and political ecologies in Southeast Asia (MEAS 4a: MP 4173-4176; MEAS 4b: MP 4177-4178)
End- of module- examination
Form of examination: Term paper
Examiner: Dr. Keilbart
Registration deadline: 19.06.2023 - 14.08.2023 (via QIS)
Date: submission deadline: 28.08.2023
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 14.08.2023
Date of repeat examination (submission deadline): 13.11.2023

Elective [MEAS 4a - all Tracks]
Compulsory elective module
Event: Issues in the two Koreas Today (MEAS 4a: MP 4173-4176; MEAS 4b: MP 4177-4178)
End- of module- examination
Form of examination: Term Paper
Examiner: Dr. Kim
Registration deadline: 19.06.2023 – 01.09.2023 (via QIS)
Registration deadline: 15.06.-01.09.2023
Date: submission deadline: 15.09.2023
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 01.09.2023
Date of repeat examination (submission deadline): 15.12.2023

Elective [MEAS 4a - all Tracks]
Compulsory elective module
Event: Media, Politics and Economy of Southeast Asia (MEAS 4a: MP 4173-4176; MEAS 4b: MP 4177-4178)
End- of module- examination
Form of examination: Term paper (approx. 15 pages)
Examiner: Prf. Dr. Graf
Registration deadline: 19.06.2023 - 14.08.2023 (via QIS)
Date: submission deadline: 28.08.2023
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 14.08.2023
Date of repeat examination (submission deadline): 13.11.2023

Elective [MEAS 4a - all Tracks]
Compulsory elective module
Event: Migration in Korea and Korean immigration in the world: History and social challenges (MEAS 4a: MP 4173-4176; MEAS 4b: MP 4177-4178)
End- of module- examination
Form of examination: term paper (10 - 15 pages).
Examiner: Dr. Park/Ms. Lee
Registration deadline: 19.06.2023 - 30.06.2023 (via QIS)
Date: submission deadline: 21.07.2023
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 14.07.2023 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination (submission deadline): 29.09.23

Elective [MEAS 4a - all Tracks]
Compulsory elective module
Event: Public Policy in China (MEAS 4a: MP 4173-4176; MEAS 4b: MP 4177-4178)
End- of module- examination
Form of examination: term paper (15 pages)
Examiner: Dr. Maags
Registration deadline: 19.06.2023 - 30.06.2023 (via QIS)
Date: submission deadline: 31.08.2023
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 24.08.2023 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination (submission deadline): 30.09.2023

Elective [MEAS 4a - all Tracks]
Compulsory elective module
Event: Screencultures in Southeast Asia (MEAS 4a: MP 4173-4176; MEAS 4b: MP 4177-4178)
End- of module- examination
Form of examination: Term paper
Examiner: Dr. Keilbart
Registration deadline: 19.06.2023 - 14.08.2023 (via QIS)
Date: submission deadline: 28.08.2023
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 14.08.2023
Date of repeat examination (submission deadline): 13.11.2023

Elective [MEAS 4a - all Tracks]
Compulsory elective module
Event: The Mobility Turn in Southeast Asian Studies (MEAS 4a: MP 4173-4176; MEAS 4b: MP 4177-4178)
End- of module- examination
Form of examination: Term paper
Examiner: Dr. Keilbart
Registration deadline: 19.06.2023 - 14.08.2023 (via QIS)
Date: submission deadline: 28.08.2023
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 14.08.2023
Date of repeat examination (submission deadline): 13.11.2023

Elective [MEAS 4a - all Tracks]
Compulsory elective module
Event: Urbanization and City Life in Korea (E-School) (MEAS 4a: MP 4173-4176; MEAS 4b: MP 4177-4178)
End- of module- examination
Form of examination: Term paper
Examiner: Prof. Kresse
Registration deadline: 19.06.2023 – 01.09.2023 (via QIS)
Date: submission deadline: 15.09.2023
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 01.09.2023
Date of repeat examination (submission deadline): 15.12.2023


Economic Aspects
Compulsory module
Event: Advanced Management (MEAS 4b: MP 4177-4178)
end- of module- examination
Form of examination: written exam
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Schweizer (SCHW08)
registration deadline: 06.03.2023 – 09.06.2023 (via QIS)
Date, time and location: 25.07.23, 14:00, location: t.b.a.*/**
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 18.07.2023 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination: t.b.a.

*The written exams are scheduled on site at the Campus Westend. You will see your individual room allocations in your QIS account in due time before the respective exam date.

**Changes (exam form, exam registration, deregistration deadline, and exam date) are possible. Please read your student e-mails ( regularly and keep up to date with the Examination Office News. We recommend subscribing to the Examination Office News. Exam timetable of Faculty 02

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Prüfungstermine Modern East Asia Studies (MEAS) - Wintersemester


Diese Seite enthält Termine für die folgenden Fächer:

Modern East Asian Studies (MEAS) - Master*
Modern East Asian Studies (MEAS) - Master (ab WS 2018/19)*
Modern East Asian Studies (MEAS) - Master (ab WS 2021/22)*

*Anmeldung über QIS/LSF


Modern East Asian Studies (MEAS) - Master / Modern East Asian Studies (MEAS) - Master (ab WS 2018/19) / Modern East Asian Studies (MEAS) - Master (ab WS 2021/22)


Dear students,
the credits in the PO 2018 are expected to be transferred to the PO 2021 in April 2024. They will be confirmed again at the appropriate time.

For your reference, examination numbers for QIS registration are underlinded.


Language Beginners: Elementary Chinese I
(= Module MEAS 1a Ch.1: Modernes Chinesisch Elementarstufe II: Grundkurs Sprache; 1110)
Prerequisites for participation: Proof of attendance MEAS 1a Ch.1
Form of examination: written exam (90 Min.) and oral test
Examiner: Dr. JIN et al.
Registration timeframe: 01.01.2024 - 05.02.2024 (via QIS)
Examination number 1431.
Written exam:
Date, time and location: 12.02.2024, 14:15 - 15:45, IG 411 (IG-Farben-Haus, Campus Westend)
Oral test: 01.01.2024 - 05.02.2024 individual appointment with the lecturer
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 05.02.2024
Date of repeat examination
Written exam: 08.04.2024, 10:15 - 11:45, SH 5.105 (Seminarhaus, Campus Westend)
Oral test: 09.02.2024, individual appointment with the lecturer, SH 2.103 (Seminarhaus, Campus Westend)

Language Beginners: Elementary Chinese: Characters and Reading I
(= Module MEAS 1b Ch.1: Modernes Chinesisch Elementarstufe II: Schriftzeichenkunde und Leseverständnis; 1210)
Prerequisites for participation: Proof of attendance MEAS 1b Ch.1
Form of examination: written exam (90 Min.)
Examiner: Dr. JIN et al.
Registration timeframe: 01.01.2024 - 05.02.2024 (via QIS)
Examination number 1433.
Date, time and location: 12.02.2024, 16:15 - 17:45, IG 411 (IG-Farben-Haus, Campus Westend)
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 05.02.2024
Date of repeat examination: 08.04.2024, 12:15 - 13:45, SH 5.105 (Seminarhaus, Campus Westend)

Language Beginners: Elementary Japanese I
(= Module MEAS 1a Ja; 1120)
Module Examination
Prerequisites for participation: MEAS 1a Ja
Form of examination: written and oral exam
Examiner: Mrs. Nakamura
Registration timeframe: 11.01.2024 – 29.01.2024 (via QIS)
Examination number 250.
Date, time and location:
Written exam: 05.02.2024 / 12-14 / SP 2.02 (Seminarpavillon Campus Westend)
Oral Exam: 06.02.2024 / 14-16 / SH 0.108 (Seminarhaus Campus Westend)
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 29.01.2024 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination:
Written exam: 04.03.2024 / 12-14 / SH 1.102 (Seminarhaus Campus Westend)
Oral exam: 05.03.2024 / 12-14 / SH 1.102 (Seminarhaus Campus Westend)

Language Beginners: Indonesian I
(= Module MEAS 1a In: Grundkurs Indonesisch I + Tutorium; 1140; note to the examination office: comprises 239 and 4151)
Module Examination
Prerequisites for participation: MEAS 1a In (main course); MEAS 1a T (tutorial)
Form of examination: written exam
Examiner: Ms. Ramlan/Ms. Prihantini
Registration deadline: 01.01.2024 - 31.01.2024 (via QIS)
Examination number 4151.
Date, time and location: 07.02.2024 12:00 – 14:00, SH 2.105 (Seminarhaus Campus Westend)
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 31.01.2024 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination: t.b.a.

Language Beginners: Korean I
(= Module MEAS 1a Ko: Koreanisch Grundstufe I – Hauptkurs + Koreanisch Grundstufe – Übung; 1130; note to the examination office: comprises 238 and 4111))
Module Examination
Prerequisites for participation: MEAS 1a Ko.1 (main course), MEAS 1a Ko.2 (tutorial)
Form of examination: written and oral exam
Examiner: Ms. Shin
Registration deadline: 04.02.2024 (via QIS)
Examination number 4111.
Written exam: Monday 12.02.2024, 12:00-13:30 s.t., SH 0.109
Oral exam: Wednesday 14.02.2024, 10:00-18:00, SH 1.102
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 04.02.2024 (via QIS)
Dates of repeat examination:
Written exam: Tuesday, 09.04.2024, 12:00-13:30 s.t., SH 2.106
Oral exam: Tuesday, 09.04.2024, 15:00-16:30, SH 2.102


Modern Chinese Advanced
(= Module MEAS 1c Ch, 1310)
Module part examination
Prerequisites for participation: Proof of attendance MEAS 1c Ch.1 (Chinese Advanced; 3206), 1c Ch.2 (Creative Writing/ Working with Chinese Texts; 3219)
Form of examination: oral and written exam
Examiner: Dr. Jin
Registration deadline: 01.01.2024 - 31.01.2024 (via QIS)
Examination number 3211.
Oral exam:
Date, time and location: 07.02.2024, 14:15 - 15:45, PEG 1.G 092 (Campus Westend)
Written exam:
Date, time and location: 07.02.2024, 16:15 - 17:45, PEG 1.G 092 (Campus Westend)
Deadline for withdrawal of exam registration: 31.01.2024 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination:
Oral + written exam:
Date, time and location: 28.03.2024, 10:00 - 11:45, SH 2.107 (Campus Westend)

Modern Japanese Advanced
(= Module MEAS 1c Ja; 1320)
Japanese Advanced I: Business Japanese Communication (MEAS 1c Ja.1)
Form of examination: written and oral exam
Examiner: Mrs. Itonaga
Registration timeframe: 11.01.2024 – 22.01.2024 (via QIS)
Examination number 229 IF YOU ATTEND THIS COURSE AS LANGUAGE COURSE AND NOT AS S&C (for S&C see below).
Date, time and location:
Written exam: 29.01.2024 / 12-14 / SH 3.105 (Seminarhaus Campus Westend)
Oral exam: 06.02.2024 / 12-14 / SH 3.102 (Seminarhaus Campus Westend)
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 22.01.2024 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination:
Written exam: 04.03.2024 / 12-14 / SH 3.102 (Seminarhaus Campus Westend)
Oral exam: 05.03.2024 / 12-14 / SH 3.102 (Seminarhaus Campus Westend)

Modern Indonesian Advanced
(= Module MEAS 1c In; 1340)
Percakapan Bahasa Indonesia: Masalah Aktual (MEAS 1c In.1)
Form of examination: Term Paper
Examiner: Ms. Holzwarth
Registration deadline: 15.01.2024 - 12.03.2024 (via QIS)
Examination number PO 2021: 4188 .
Examination number PO 2018: 2284.

Date: submission deadline: 25.03.2024
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 12.03.2024 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination: submission deadline: 03.06.2024

Modern Korean Advanced
(= Module MEAS 1c Ko; 1330)
Korean Advanced (MEAS 1c Ko.1 (main course; 4186) + MEAS 1c Ko.2 (tutorial))
Module part examination
Form of examination: written and oral exam
Examiner: Dr. Lee/Dr. Ko
Registration deadline: 11.01.2024 – 01.02.2024 (via QIS)
Examination number PO 2021: 4186.
Examination number PO 2018:.4185.

Written exam: 08.02.2024 / 16:00-17:30 / SH 1.103
Oral exam: 08.02.2024 / 18:00-19:00 / SH 1.103
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 01.02.2024 (via QIS)
Dates of repeat examination:
Written exam: 11.04.2024 / 15:00-16:30 / SH 3.102
Oral exam: 11.04.2024 / 17:00-18:00 / SH 3.102


Theoretical Approaches to Law in East Asia
(= MEAS 2.1; MEAS 2.2)
Module part examination
Form of examination: written exam (90 Min.)
Examiner: Prof. Bälz
Registration deadline: 11.01.2024 – 01.02.2024 (via QIS)
Examination number:
- 4165 if this is your first core lecture;
- 4166 if this is your second core lecture.

Written exam: 08.02.2024 / 14:15 - 15:45 / HZ 14 (Hörsaalzentrum Campus Westend)
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 01.02.2024 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination: 11.04.2024 / 10:15 - 11:45 / SH 3.105 (Seminarhaus Campus Westend)

Democracies, Autocracies, and In-Betweens: Comparing State-Society Relations in East Asia
(= MEAS 2.1; MEAS 2.2)
Module part examination
Form of examination: term paper
Examiner: Prof. Holbig
Registration deadline: 11.01.2024 – 24.03.2024 (via QIS)
Examination number:
- 4165 if this is your first core lecture;
- 4166 if this is your second core lecture.

Submission of term paper: 31.03.2024
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 24.03.2024 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination: 15.05.2024


Young Scholars Forum: Digital Transformation in East Asia
(= MEAS 3.1; 276 // Research Track: MEAS 3b: 3.3; 277)
Proof of performance, no exam registration via QIS

Skills & Competences: Classical Chinese written language/Wenyanwen 1*
(= (incomplete) MEAS 3.2 // Research Track: (incomplete) MEAS 3.4; caution: has to be combined with a second 3 CP S&C course to fulfill the requirements of MEAS 3.2/MEAS 3.4)
Module part examination: do not register via QIS, but register with the instructor; ask the instructor to issue a module certificate that you then submit to the MEAS coordinator.
Form of examination: written exam (90 Min.)
Examiner: Ms. Wang-Karabowicz
Registration deadline: 01.01.2024 - 02.02.2024 (via QIS)
Examination number 4156.
Date, time and location: 09.02.2024, 10:15 - 11:45, SH 2.105 (Seminarhaus, Campus Westend)
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 02.02.2024 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination:
Date, time and location: 05.04.2024, 10:15 - 11:45, SH 2.105 (Seminarhaus, Campus Westend)

*This course has only 3 CP (instead of 6 CP) and has to be combined with a further S&C course with 3 CP. If the 3 CP course is not graded, the second 3 CP course has to be graded (grade of course 2 is then the module grade). Should both courses be graded, the module grade is the arithmetic mean of both grades.

Skills & Competences: Classical Mongolian II*
(= (incomplete) MEAS 3.2 // Research Track: (incomplete) MEAS 3.4; caution: has to be combined with a second 3 CP S&C course to fulfill the requirements of MEAS 3.2/MEAS 3.4)
Module part examination: do not register via QIS, but register with the instructor; ask the instructor to issue a module certificate that you then submit to the MEAS coordinator.
Form of examination: written examination (90 Min.)
Examiner: Dr. Badagarov
Registration deadline: 01.01.2024 - 21.02.2023 (via QIS)
Examination number 4156.
Date, time and location: 28.02.2024, 10:00 – 12:00, SH 3.101 (Seminarhaus, Campus Westend)
Deadline for withdrawal of exam registration: 21.02.2023 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination: 20.03.2024, 10:00 – 12:00, SH 3.101 (Seminarhaus, Campus Westend)

*This course has only 3 CP (instead of 6 CP) and has to be combined with a further S&C course with 3 CP. If the 3 CP course is not graded, the second 3 CP course has to be graded (grade of course 2 is then the module grade). Should both courses be graded, the module grade is the arithmetic mean of both grades.

Skills & Competences: Critical evaluation of Chinese scientific sources I - Childhood from the perspective of Chinese adults*
(= (incomplete) MEAS 3.2 // Research Track: (incomplete) MEAS 3.4; caution: has to be combined with a second, graded 3 CP S&C course to fulfill the requirements of MEAS 3.2/MEAS 3.4)
Examination” number 4156.
Proof of performance, no exam registration via QIS

*This course has only 3 CP (instead of 6 CP) and has to be combined with a further S&C course with 3 CP. If the 3 CP course is not graded, the second 3 CP course has to be graded (grade of course 2 is then the module grade). Should both courses be graded, the module grade is the arithmetic mean of both grades.

Skills & Competences: Fundamentals of Econometrics – FECO
(= MEAS 3.2 // Research Track: MEAS 3.4)
Module examination
Form of examination: written exam
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Gutknecht
registration deadline: 12.10.2023 – 09.01.2024 (via QIS)
Examination number 10039.
Date, time and location: 20.02.2024, 11:00, location: t.b.a.*/**
deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 13.02.2024 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination: t.b.a.

*The written exams listed above are scheduled by the Examination Office of Faculty 02. on site at the Campus Westend. Information on exam dates and retake exams is published on website at the beginning of the semester. You will see your individual room allocations in your QIS account in due time before the respective exam date.

**Changes (exam form, exam registration, deregistration deadline, and exam date) are possible. Please read your student e-mails ( regularly and keep up to date with the Examination Office News. We recommend subscribing to the Examination Office News. Exam timetable of Faculty 02

Skills & Competences: Japanese Advanced: Business Japanese Communication
(= MEAS 3.2 // Research Track: MEAS 3.4)
Module examination
Form of examination: written exam
Examiner: Mrs. Itonaga
Registration timeframe: 11.01.2024 – 22.01.2024 (via QIS)
Examination number 4156 IF YOU ATTEND THIS COURSE AS S&C AND NOT AS LANGUAGE COURSE (for language course see above).
Date, time and location: 29.01.2024 / 12-14 / SH 3.105 (Seminarhaus Campus Westend)
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 22.01.2024 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination: 04.03.2024 / 12-14 / SH 3.102 (Seminarhaus Campus Westend)

Skills & Competences: Research Design: Comparative Case Studies
(= MEAS 3.2 // Research Track: MEAS 3.4)
Module examination
Form of examination: written exam
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Wagemann
Registration deadline: 11.01.2024 – 31.01.2024 (via QIS)
Examination number 4160.
Date, time and location: 07.02.2024 / 10:00 - 12:00 / PEG 1.G 078 and PEG 1.G 083 (Campus Westend)
Deadline for withdrawal of exam registration: 31.01.2024 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination: 02.04.2024 / 10:00 - 12:00 / PEG 3.G 107 (Campus Westend)

Skills & Competences: Techniques of scientific translation from Chinese
(= MEAS 3.2 // Research Track: MEAS 3.4)
Module examination
Form of examination: written exam (90 min.)
Examiner: Dr. Wang
Registration deadline: 01.01.2024 - 31.01.2024 (via QIS)
Examination number 4156.
Date, time and location: 07.02.2024, 10:15 - 11:45, PEG 1.G 111 (PEG, Campus Westend)
Deadline for withdrawal of exam registration: 31.01.2024 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination: 08.04.2024, 10:15 - 11:45, SH 5.105

Skills & Competences: Thai for Beginners I*
(= (incomplete) MEAS 3.2 // Research Track: (incomplete) MEAS 3.4; caution: has to be combined with a second 3 CP S&C course to fulfill the requirements of MEAS 3.2/MEAS 3.4)
Module part examination: do not register via QIS, but register with the instructor; ask the instructor to issue a module certificate that you then submit to the MEAS coordinator.
Form of examination: written examination (90 Min.)
Examiner: Ms. Bernart
Registration deadline: 01.01.2024 - 31.01.2024
Examination number 4156.
Date, time and location: 09.02.2024, 12:00 – 14:00, SH 2.105 (Seminarhaus, Campus Westend)
Deadline for withdrawal of exam registration: 31.01.2024
Date of repeat examination: t.b.a.

*This course has only 3 CP (instead of 6 CP) and has to be combined with a further S&C course with 3 CP. If the 3 CP course is not graded, the second 3 CP course has to be graded (grade of course 2 is then the module grade). Should both courses be graded, the module grade is the arithmetic mean of both grades.

Skills & Competences: Theories and Methods in Southeast Asian Studies
(= MEAS 3.2 // Research Track: MEAS 3.4)
Module examination
Form of examination: term paper
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Graf
Registration deadline: 12.03.2024 (via QIS)
Examination number 4156.
Date: submission deadline: 25.03.2024
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 12.03.2024 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination: 03.06.2024

Skills & Competences: Tutorial to the seminar "Chinese knowledge cultures / China-related social sciences"*
(= (incomplete) MEAS 3.2 // Research Track: (incomplete) MEAS 3.4; caution: has to be combined with a second, graded 3 CP S&C course to fulfill the requirements of MEAS 3.2/MEAS 3.4)
Module part examination: do not register via QIS, but register with the instructor; ask the instructor to issue a module certificate that you then submit to the MEAS coordinator.
Form of examination: regular and active participation + work assignments or term paper
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Amelung
Registration deadline: no exam registration (via QIS)
“Examination” number 4156.
Date: submission deadline: during the semester, individual appointment with the lecturer
Date of repeat examination (submission deadline): individual appointment with the lecturer

*This course has only 3 CP (instead of 6 CP) and has to be combined with a further S&C course with 3 CP. If the 3 CP course is not graded, the second 3 CP course has to be graded (grade of course 2 is then the module grade). Should both courses be graded, the module grade is the arithmetic mean of both grades.

Skills & Competences: Vietnamese for Beginners I*
(= (incomplete) MEAS 3.2 // Research Track: (incomplete) MEAS 3.4; caution: has to be combined with a second 3 CP S&C course to fulfill the requirements of MEAS 3.2/MEAS 3.4)
Module part examination: do not register via QIS, but register with the instructor; ask the instructor to issue a module certificate that you then submit to the MEAS coordinator.
Form of examination: written examination (90 Min.)
Examiner: Ms. Duong
Registration deadline: 01.01.2024 - 31.01.2024
Examination number 4156.
Date, time and location: 07.02.2024, 16:00 – 18:00, SH 2.105 (Seminarhaus, Campus Westend)
Deadline for withdrawal of exam registration: 31.01.2024
Date of repeat examination: t.b.a.

*This course has only 3 CP (instead of 6 CP) and has to be combined with a further S&C course with 3 CP. If the 3 CP course is not graded, the second 3 CP course has to be graded (grade of course 2 is then the module grade). Should both courses be graded, the module grade is the arithmetic mean of both grades.

(= MEAS 4.1 (3310) if this is your first elective and not part of the Research Track; MEAS 4.2 (3320) if this is your second elective and not part of the Research Track; MEAS 4.1 (3330) if this is your third elective and not part of the Research Track; MEAS 4.2 (3340) if this is your fourth elective and not part of the Research Track)
(= MEAS 4.3 (3410) if this is your first Research Track elective; MEAS 4.4 (3420) if this is your second Research Track elective)

Elective: Adoption and Transfer of Foreign Legal Concepts in Japan
Module examination
Form of examination: term paper
Examiner: Mr. Dröll
Registration deadline: 11.01.2024 – 08.03.2024 (via QIS)
Examination number:
- If this is your first elective and not part of the Research Track: 4173
- If this is your first elective and not part of the Research Track: 4174
- If this is your third elective (Language Advanced students) and not part of the Research Track: 4175
- If this is your fourth elective (Language Advanced students) and not part of the Research Track: 4176
- If this is your first Research Track Elective: 4177
- If this is your second Research Track Elective: 4178

Date: submission deadline: 15.03.2024
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 08.03.2024 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination (submission deadline): 30.04.2024

Elective: Berühmte japanische Gerichtsentscheidungen
Module examination
Form of examination: term paper (15-20 p.)
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Bälz
Registration deadline: 11.01.2024 – 08.03.2024 (via QIS)
Examination number:
- If this is your first elective and not part of the Research Track: 4173
- If this is your first elective and not part of the Research Track: 4174
- If this is your third elective (Language Advanced students) and not part of the Research Track: 4175
- If this is your fourth elective (Language Advanced students) and not part of the Research Track: 4176
- If this is your first Research Track Elective: 4177
- If this is your second Research Track Elective: 4178

Date: submission deadline: 15.03.2024
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 08.03.2024 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination (submission deadline): 30.04.2024

Elective: China’s Financial System
Module examination
Form of examination: term paper
Examiner: Mr. Hess
Registration deadline: 11.01.2024 – 08.03.2024 (via QIS)
Examination number:
- If this is your first elective and not part of the Research Track: 4173
- If this is your first elective and not part of the Research Track: 4174
- If this is your third elective (Language Advanced students) and not part of the Research Track: 4175
- If this is your fourth elective (Language Advanced students) and not part of the Research Track: 4176
- If this is your first Research Track Elective: 4177
- If this is your second Research Track Elective: 4178

Date: submission deadline: 15.03.2024
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 08.03.2024 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination (submission deadline): 17.05.2024

Elective: Peking: History and Present of an Iconic Capital City
Module examination
Form of examination: term paper
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Amelung
Registration deadline: 01.01.2024 bis 27.02.2024 (via QIS)
Examination number:
- If this is your first elective and not part of the Research Track: 4173
- If this is your first elective and not part of the Research Track: 4174
- If this is your third elective (Language Advanced students) and not part of the Research Track: 4175
- If this is your fourth elective (Language Advanced students) and not part of the Research Track: 4176
- If this is your first Research Track Elective: 4177
- If this is your second Research Track Elective: 4178

Date: submission deadline: 05.03.2024
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 27.02.2024 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination (submission deadline): 29.04.2024

Elective: Adaptations, Remakes and Transmedia Storytelling in East Asia
Module examination
Form of examination: term paper
Examiner: Ms. Tröster
Registration deadline: 01.01.2024 - 08.03.2024 (via QIS)
Examination number:
- If this is your first elective and not part of the Research Track: 4173
- If this is your first elective and not part of the Research Track: 4174
- If this is your third elective (Language Advanced students) and not part of the Research Track: 4175
- If this is your fourth elective (Language Advanced students) and not part of the Research Track: 4176
- If this is your first Research Track Elective: 4177
- If this is your second Research Track Elective: 4178

Date: Submission of term paper: 15.03.2024
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 08.03.2024 (via QIS)
Repeat examination (submission of term paper): 30.04.2024

Elective: Current Issues and research in Southeast Asian Studies
Module examination
Form of examination: Term paper
Examiner: Prof. Dr. Graf
Registration deadline: 12.03.2024 (via QIS)
Examination number:
- If this is your first elective and not part of the Research Track: 4173
- If this is your first elective and not part of the Research Track: 4174
- If this is your third elective (Language Advanced students) and not part of the Research Track: 4175
- If this is your fourth elective (Language Advanced students) and not part of the Research Track: 4176
- If this is your first Research Track Elective: 4177
- If this is your second Research Track Elective: 4178

Date: submission deadline: 25.03.2024
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 12.03.2024 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination (submission deadline): 03.06.2024

Elective: Defining (Hybridized) K-Pop: History, Politics and Social Issues in the Korean Idol Industry
Module examination
Form of examination: Term paper
Examiner: Ms. Adler
Registration deadline: 11.01.2024 - 08.03.2024 (via QIS)
Examination number:
- If this is your first elective and not part of the Research Track: 4173
- If this is your first elective and not part of the Research Track: 4174
- If this is your third elective (Language Advanced students) and not part of the Research Track: 4175
- If this is your fourth elective (Language Advanced students) and not part of the Research Track: 4176
- If this is your first Research Track Elective: 4177
- If this is your second Research Track Elective: 4178

Date: submission deadline: 15.03.2024
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 08.03.2024 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination (submission deadline): 30.04.2024

Elective: High/Elite Structures vs. Popular Cultures in Southeast Asia
Module examination
Form of examination: Term paper
Examiner: Dr. Keilbart
Registration deadline: 15.01.2024 - 12.03.2024 (via QIS)
Examination number:
- If this is your first elective and not part of the Research Track: 4173
- If this is your first elective and not part of the Research Track: 4174
- If this is your third elective (Language Advanced students) and not part of the Research Track: 4175
- If this is your fourth elective (Language Advanced students) and not part of the Research Track: 4176
- If this is your first Research Track Elective: 4177
- If this is your second Research Track Elective: 4178

Date: submission deadline: 25.03.2024
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 12.03.2024 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination (submission deadline): 03.06.2024

Elective: Islam and Modernity in Indonesia
Module examination
Form of examination: Term paper
Examiner: Dr. Keilbart
Registration deadline: 15.01.2024-12.03.2024 (via QIS)
Examination number:
- If this is your first elective and not part of the Research Track: 4173
- If this is your first elective and not part of the Research Track: 4174
- If this is your third elective (Language Advanced students) and not part of the Research Track: 4175
- If this is your fourth elective (Language Advanced students) and not part of the Research Track: 4176
- If this is your first Research Track Elective: 4177
- If this is your second Research Track Elective: 4178

Date: submission deadline: 25.03.2024
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 12.03.2024 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination (submission deadline): 03.06.2024

Elective: Korean Youth Abroad
Module examination
Form of examination: Term Paper
Examiner: Dr. Kim
Registration deadline: 15.01.-23.02.2024 (via QIS)
Examination number:
- If this is your first elective and not part of the Research Track: 4173
- If this is your first elective and not part of the Research Track: 4174
- If this is your third elective (Language Advanced students) and not part of the Research Track: 4175
- If this is your fourth elective (Language Advanced students) and not part of the Research Track: 4176
- If this is your first Research Track Elective: 4177
- If this is your second Research Track Elective: 4178

Date: submission deadline: 22.03.2024
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 23.02.2024 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination (submission deadline): 21.06.2024

Elective: Political Economy in China
Module examination
Form of examination: term paper
Examiner: Dr. Maags
Registration deadline: 11.01.2024 - 08.04.2024 (via QIS)
Examination number:
- If this is your first elective and not part of the Research Track: 4173
- If this is your first elective and not part of the Research Track: 4174
- If this is your third elective (Language Advanced students) and not part of the Research Track: 4175
- If this is your fourth elective (Language Advanced students) and not part of the Research Track: 4176
- If this is your first Research Track Elective: 4177
- If this is your second Research Track Elective: 4178

Date: submission deadline: 15.04.2024
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: 08.04.2024 (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination (submission deadline): 15.05.2024

(= MEAS 4.3 (first Research Track elective; 3410) or MEAS 4.4 (second Research Track elective; 3420))

Elective: Advanced Management
Module examination
Form of examination: written exam
Examiner: Prof. Dr. L. Schweizer SCHW08
registration deadline: 12.10.2023 – 09.01.2024 (via QIS)
Examination number 10009.
Date, time and location: 19.02.2024, 14:00, location: t.b.a.*/**
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: up to one week before the examination date (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination: t.b.a.

*The written exams listed above are scheduled by the Examination Office of Faculty 02. on site at the Campus Westend. Information on exam dates and retake exams is published on website at the beginning of the semester. You will see your individual room allocations in your QIS account in due time before the respective exam date.

**Changes (exam form, exam registration, deregistration deadline, and exam date) are possible. Please read your student e-mails ( regularly and keep up to date with the Examination Office News. We recommend subscribing to the Examination Office News. Exam timetable of Faculty 02

Elective: Compensation and Benefits
Module examination
Form of examination: written exam
Examiner: Prof. Dr. G. Friebel
registration deadline: 12.10.2023 – 25.10.2023 (via QIS)
Examination number 26379.
Date, time and location: 13.02.2024, 14:00, location: t.b.a.*/**
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: up to one week before the examination date (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination: t.b.a.

*The written exams listed above are scheduled by the Examination Office of Faculty 02. on site at the Campus Westend. Information on exam dates and retake exams is published on website at the beginning of the semester. You will see your individual room allocations in your QIS account in due time before the respective exam date.

**Changes (exam form, exam registration, deregistration deadline, and exam date) are possible. Please read your student e-mails ( regularly and keep up to date with the Examination Office News. We recommend subscribing to the Examination Office News. Exam timetable of Faculty 02

Elective: Strategic Market Management
Module examination
Form of examination: written exam
Examiner: Prof. Dr. S. Wies
registration deadline: 12.10.2023 – 09.01.2024 (via QIS)
Examination number 10008.
Date, time and location: 19.02.2024, 17:00, location: t.b.a.*/**
Deadline for withdrawal from exam registration: up to one week before the examination date (via QIS)
Date of repeat examination: t.b.a.

*The written exams listed above are scheduled by the Examination Office of Faculty 02. on site at the Campus Westend. Information on exam dates and retake exams is published on website at the beginning of the semester. You will see your individual room allocations in your QIS account in due time before the respective exam date.

**Changes (exam form, exam registration, deregistration deadline, and exam date) are possible. Please read your student e-mails ( regularly and keep up to date with the Examination Office News. We recommend subscribing to the Examination Office News. Exam timetable of Faculty 02

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PDF: Modulscheine Modern East Asian Studies (MEAS), Master

Enthaltene Scheine:

Grundlagen für Sozialwissenschaftler

Sprache und Grundlagen für Anfänger I: Japanisch
Sprache und Grundlagen für Anfänger I: Chinesisch
Sprache und Grundlagen für Anfänger I: Koreanisch
Sprache und Grundlagen für Anfänger I: Indonesisch
Sprache und Grundlagen für Anfänger II: Japanisch
Sprache und Grundlagen für Anfänger II: Chinesisch
Sprache und Grundlagen für Anfänger II: Koreanisch
Sprache und Grundlagen für Anfänger II: Indonesisch

Grundlagen für Kulturwissenschaftler

Japanisch für Fortgeschrittene
Chinesisch für Fortgeschrittene
Koreanisch für Fortgeschrittene
Indonesisch / Malaisch für Fortgeschrittene
Einführung in die Rechtswissenschaft
Einführung in die Wirtschaftswissenschaften
Einführung in die Gesellschaftswissenschaften

Skills and Competence

Skills and Competence


Core: “Economy and Society: Theories, Concepts, Framework”

Young Scholars Forum

Young Scholars Forum: Paper Reading Course


Legal Aspects of East Asia
Economic Aspects of East Asia
Political and social aspects of East Asia
Summer School


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